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   Here, we know everybody in the Eagle Club HAS to start out with the first rank and that's the Member rank. The code name will be Part 111. Now, here are the tasks:

1. Be a Ranked Member for a week. 25 pts.

2. Eat your vegtables at dinner. 20 pts.

3. Do 5 Push-ups. 15 pts.

4. Do 30 Sit-Ups. 30 pts.

5. Do 15 Jumping Jacks. 15 pts.

Congrats if you complete these tasks! Your ready for the next rank. You can tell us when you complete these tasks, we'll give you the badge (made of genuine paper), and e-mail you the next tasks. We'll record your points in a log book until a month we'll put them on here. (There will not be any rewards till I get back unless someone has made a tree house for the Club where Club Members can go over there and earn rewards. If somebody has done that, I'll chose someone else to be 1 year president until I get back.)
President, 1st In-Command, 2nd In-Command, Treasurer, Secretary of Club, Secretary of Defence, Lookouts, and Members.